Just make sure that if you do it this way make a back up of ur profile because any levels you gain while playing will most likely be set back to 0 the next time you log in. (remember how i said to keep the game open? this is why you would be alt tabbing back in to it!) when you go in it should allow you to create a profile. when you click this folder on the right side look for Codkey and that should be ur key for the game all you want to do is double click the codkey and get rid of the - in it and just leave the numbers and letters.Ĥ.after doing the last step u can either leave the regedit open in case something messes up or close it then alt tab back into the game and click multiplayer. it better be.)ģ.go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, then WOW6432NODE, then ACTIVISION, and lastly the CALL OF DUTY WAW folder. click your start menu and search for regedit and open it. launch the game and then alt tab out to your desktop. it puts 1k34-134j-1343-kd134-134j (not a real key) when in the registry if you take out the - it makes everything work correctly. The main reason this profile problem happens is because steam changes the format of your cd key in your registry. Ok so after about 3 hours of tinkering with things with my buddy evilklown we have come to this to help.